Louisiana psychologists Dr. Janet Matthews and Dr. Lee Matthews were featured in an article in the December issue of the American Psychological Association’s national magazine, the Monitor.
The couple made a contribution to the American Psychological Foundation. In an interview the Matthews said that what inspired the donation were several factors. “We started making donations to APF to honor friends’ accomplishment, as well as in memory of colleagues who had died.” The couple said that they have no children or siblings, and so it was a natural progression. “It is a way to both acknowledge those psychologists who mentored us and had such a profound impact on our development and success in the profession and to support the growth and vision of both our former and future psychology students.”
Dr. Janet Matthews has been a key figure in the national and state psychology community and long-time professor of psychology at Loyola University in New Orleans. She is now retired and Professor Emerita. She served on the APA Board of Directors and also served as Chair of APA Board of Educational Affairs and as President of Division 31, State, Provincial & Territorial Affairs.
During her career she has served on the Louisiana State Board of Examiners of Psychologists, and as chair. She has published over 70 journal articles and numerous books and book chapters, including Introduction to Clinical Psychology and Your Practicum in Psychology: A Guide for Maximizing Knowledge and Competence. She has served as Associate Editor of Professional Psychology: Research & Practice. She was named as Distinguished Psychologist by the Louisiana Psychological Association (LPA).
Dr. Lee Matthews was also named as Distinguished Psychologist by LPA, in 2014. He is licensed in clinical and clinical neuropsychology and he holds the Diplomat in Clinical Psychology from both the American Board of Professional Psychology and also from the American Board of Assessment Psychology. He is co-owner of Psychological Resources in Kenner, Adjunct Faculty Associate Professor at the LSU Health Science Center in New Orleans, and consults to Children’s Hospital and South Louisiana Medical Associates at Leonard J. Chabert Medical Center in Houma, Louisiana. He has served on and chaired the Louisiana State Board of Examiners of Psychologists.
He is a Fellow of the APA, has authored and co-authored with his wife numerous publications and journal articles served in numerous professional roles, including president of the New Orleans Neuropsychological Society, Secretary/Treasure of the Division of General Psychology in APA, Chair of the Historical Committee for Southwestern Psychological Association, president of the Orleans Psychological Society.
“We can’t predict what areas of research might need funding, but we feel strongly about the importance of personal interaction to stimulate creativity,” they said to the Monitor.
“As a dual-psychologist couple, much of our lives has revolved around the discipline. Psychology has been our profession, our personal identity and the source of friendships that would not otherwise have occurred.”
“We believe that giving money to APF is the best way for us to pay it forward.”