Governor Makes October Appointments

In October, Gov. Edwards announced his appointment of Elizabeth C. Adkins of Prairieville to  the Louisiana Department of Health. Adkins is the deputy assistant secretary for the Office of  Aging and Adult Services for the Louisiana Department of Health. She will serve as the interim assistant secretary representing the Office of Aging and Adult Services for the Louisiana  Department of Health. The mission of the Louisiana Department of Health is to protect and  promote health and to ensure access to medical, preventive and rehabilitative services for all  citizens of the State of Louisiana.

The Gov. also appointed Travis Johnson of Harvey to the Governor’s Advisory Board of Juvenile  Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Johnson is the director of behavioral health for Inclusive  Care Medical Clinic. He will serve as a person with expertise and competence in preventing and  addressing mental health and substance abuse needs in delinquent youth and youth at risk of  delinquency.

The Governor’s Advisory Board of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention encourages and  assists the state, units of local government, and private non-profit agencies in the comprehensive improvement of the juvenile justice system in the State of Louisiana by providing advice and counsel to the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, the Louisiana  Legislature, and the Governor on the ways and means to facilitate greater juvenile justice  system effectiveness.

Other appointments during October included:

Dana M. Peterson of New Orleans was appointed to the Board of Supervisors for the University  of Louisiana System. Peterson is the manager of College Hill Strategy Group LLC. He will  represent the 2nd Congressional District.

Roy O. Martin III of Alexandria was appointed to the Louisiana Workforce Investment Council.  Martin is chairman, CEO, and CFO of Martin Sustainable Resources LLC and the director and  cofounder of Indigo Materials LLC. He will represent Louisiana’s general business community.

Dr. Ashley M. Volion of New Orleans was appointed to the Louisiana Rehabilitation Council. Dr.  Volion is a policy analyst for Disability Rights Louisiana. She will serve at-large.

Cynthia M. Butler-McIntyre of New Orleans was appointed to the Board of Supervisors of Community and Technical Colleges. Butler-McIntyre is an independent field supervisor for  iTeach. She will represent the 2nd Congressional District.








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