Dr. Robert Baker came to the conclusion that he was going to write Joshua’s Way when he suddenly woke up one night with his “thoughts churning.” He said, “I couldn’t stop it, the whole thing just came to me. I couldn’t get back to sleep until I laid it all out, chapter-by-chapter.”
Dr. Baker, a licensed clinical psychologist in New Orleans, “didn’t do anything practical with the outline for several years,” placing the project on his back burner. But three years later, things changed.
He and his family were driving home at night after Thanksgiving when they found themselves in a terrible thunderstorm. The car began hydroplaning. “Nothing I tried could correct it, nothing worked. We began to spin and spin, around and around. I remember very clearly when we were twirling around, thinking that in the next few seconds we’d all be seriously injured–or die.” But finally the car crashed into the side of the bridge they were on and came to a complete stop– in the middle of the Interstate. Thinking now they’d be hit by oncoming traffic, after somehow surviving this far, he wasn’t sure he could move them out of harm’s way in the damaged vehicle. But luckily Robert was able to start the car and somehow pull over. “Three days later I was on the computer and it was like an egg that cracked, stuff started pouring out of me.” He completed the entire book in only three months.
Joshua’s Way is a mystery, and in the same vein as Celestine Prophecy. Two levels of mystery played out in a story line packed with psychological ideas and spiritual meanings. Bob decided to self-publish, and then went to the major book companies.
“Twelve people gather in a home north of New Orleans for a weekend retreat and are given this promise, “You will likely encounter thoughts, feelings, sensations and intuition beyond anything you’ve ever conceptualized” … “Dr. Joshua Randall plans to share his discoveries that may be key to the next phase of human evolution.” But then he and his wife disappear.
“John Hilliard, private investigator, hired to help solve the mystery of the disappearance of Dr. and Mrs. Randall, finds himself pulled into enigmas far more complicated. What starts as a search for two missing people takes the investigator on a journey to the heart and soul to discover the source of that which we all seek, an answer to the ultimate mystery.”
Fr. Larry Hein, S.J., author of Compassionate Energies Dancing the Cosmic Dance, said, “This is a must for anyone interested in the spiritual journey going beyond the known, …” And Harville Hendrix said, “I could not put it down. It is full of suspense and powerful insights and offers a radical new paradigm for the search for transcendence.”
Up-Coming Events Page 10 Robert said he was inspired by the many intriguing psychological experiments that he has studied along the way in his career, even as far back as graduate school. And Joshua’s Way is rich with these bits and pieces of psychology as well as Louisiana life and landmarks. Somewhat of a Renaissance man, Robert continues to delve into the invisibles, currently exploring quantum physics, hypnosis, power therapeutic modalities and energy healing. He’s still practices some clinical work but is moving more into sports psychology. (See December edition for more on his Master’s Track and Field accomplishments.)
You can purchase the book by email, rbaker1501@aol.com or phone, (504) 834-3393. Or, mail your check for $14.00 (which covers the book and shipping) to Dr. Robert Baker at 1501 Melody Drive, Metairie, LA, 70002.
Dr. Baker-
I read Joshua’s Way many years ago, shared with many and have since lost track of my signed copy.
Intersting and intriguing.
More to come?
My best to your beautiful wife.
Mitzi Henson-Ruetsch