by James Glass
The Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) annual convention was held at the Embassy Suites in Frisco, Texas, March 31 – April 2, and the Southeastern Psychological
Association (SEPA) held its 69th Annual meeting at the Sheraton in New Orleans from April 5 – 8, 2023. Both hosted numerous psychological scientists, researchers and students from around the state.
SWPA featured invited speaker, Dr. Janelle McDaniel, University of Louisiana – Monroe. Dr. McDaniel provided a presentation on, “Changing Demographics in Higher Education and the Mentor Relationship.” Some of the topics discussed in the presentation focused on the increasing shrinking number of traditional students enrolling and the many changes and challenges occurring in mentor relationships between students and faculty.
Among the many Louisiana researchers presenting at this year’s SEPA, were Nathan Brown, PsyD, Sebastian Del Corral Winder, PsyD., Amy Rinner, PsyD, and Amy Dickson, PsyD, from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, who conducted continuing education workshops.
Drs. Nathan Brown and Sebastian Del Corral Winder also presented a workshop on, “Exploring bilingualism and biculturalism with Latinx patients.” Several topics of discussion during the presentation were: Cultural, linguistic, and racial factors impacting psychological services with Latinx individuals. Emphasis on cultural sensitivity and humility to approach differences and similarities with Latinx individuals while providing psychological services and addressed common challenges when working with Latinx individuals.
Dr. Amy Rinner also collaborated on, “Trauma informed supervision: A framework.” During the workshop, attendees learned the basic principles of trauma informed care and how this translates to the supervisory relationship. The presentation also covered the basic
framework and interventions to implement in supervision to support a trauma-informed space and relationship.
Drs. Sebastian Del Corral Winder, Amy Rinner, and Amy Dickson, PsyD, also conducted a presentation on, “What is infant mental health? A time for exploration.” During their presentation they explored the contemporary theories and components of infant mental health, which encompassed birth to five years of age. The presentation also defined the core components of providing psychological services to infants, young children, and their caregivers. The brief also identified innovative ways to provide psychological services to infants by utilizing telehealth and in-person modalities.
Drs. Amy Rinner, Sebastian Del Corral Winder, and Amy Dickson, PsyD, presented a workshop on, “Fathers are caregivers too!: Clinical work with fathers.” During the brief, attendees learned the foundational knowledge about the role of male caregivers in young children’s lives and development, with an emphasis on the protective factors of having a male caregiver. The presenters shared vignettes and addressed nuances to working with male caregivers while citing relevant research.
The Southwestern Psychological Association annual convention also hosted researchers from around the state who presented a variety of topics, including:
Louisiana Tech University
Kristen Hooper and Brandon Waits discussed, “The impact of social support and self-compassion on attitudes toward those who misuse substances.”
Edward Craig and Walter Buboltz presented on, “Food, Mood, Life.”
Walter Buboltz and Sarah Prather presented, “The Relationship Between Sleep, Coping with College, and Satisfaction with College.”
Lakyn Boone and Walter Buboltz conducted a session on, “The Moderating Effect of Drug Use and Emotional Dysregulation on the Relationship Between Sleep and Health.”
McNeese State University
Dena Matzenbacher and Kane Vest, Linda Brannon presented, “Perceptions of Factors
Contributing to Problems Among Young Adults.”
Dena Matzenbacher and Kane Vest, Linda Brannon discussed, “A Replication of Emerging Adults’ Perceptions of Emerging Adults.”
Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Charles R. King and Billie Clare Myers presented, “The neurobiology of Addiction:
The Process of Transitioning from Recreational Substance Use to a Substance Use Disorder or Addiction.”
Southeastern Louisiana University
Paula Varnado-Sullivan, Claire Huston, Jacey Fitzmorris, and Nele Gudermann discussed, “A Comparison of Faculty and Student Perceptions of Academic Integrity.”
Paula Varnado-Sullivan, Claire Huston, Jacey Fitzmorris, and Nele Gudermann conducted a presentation on, “Further Examination of Neutral Party Affiliation and Non-Voters: Have Recent Events Impacted their Political Attitudes.”
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Brittany Milton, Valanne MacGyvers, and David Perkins conducted a session on,
“Adult Attachment and Relationship Behaviors.”
Kiara Martin and Valanne MacGyvers presented, “The role of ACEs on academic achievement and psychological well-being.”
Jaci Philliber, Cy Dupuis, Brielle Jones, Joy Martin, Sydney Guidry, Cantika Nasution, Isabel Lanciotti, Kathie Li, and Hung-Chu Lin presented, “Alcohol Misuse in College Students: Childhood Adversity and Somatic Symptoms as Correlates.”
Ayodeji Adegoke and Valanne MacGyvers conducted a session on, “Impact of ACEs on
personal identity formation among emerging adults.”
Cydnei Meredith, Taylor Guillory, Madison Gordy, and Christie Charles presented, “What’s in a name? Perceptions of first names in the workplace.”
Alexis Walker, Dahja Antoine, Braden Teer, and Erika Caramillo-Hatch conducted a session on, “The effects of N-acetylcysteine on nicotine addiction in zebrafish.”
Austin Foreman, Victor Smith, Bella Patterson, and Erika Caramillo-Hatch presented, “The effects of ARID1B gene knockout on ASD related behavior in zebrafish.”
Brianna Sadighian and Manyu Li University of discussed, “Social Restrictiveness as a Predictor for Treatment-Seeking Attitudes in Asian Americans.”
Valanne MacGyvers, Andrea Eggenberger, Taylor Gage, Emily DeGruise Ayodeji Adegoke, and Ella Garlington conducted a session on, “Motivating Factors in Academic Cheating, Part 2.”
Matthew Andersland, Mateo Chavez, Kalli Segura, Ashlyn Suchand, and Valanne MacGyvers presented, “Academic Motivation, Course Delivery, and Academic Dishonesty.”
Jaci Philliber, Brielle Jones, Cy Dupuis, Joy Martin, Sydney Guidry, Cantika Nasution, Isabel Lanciotti, Kathie Li, and Hung-Chu Lin discussed, “Somatic Symptoms in College Students: Childhood Trauma as a Correlate.”
Hunter Sudduth, David Perkins, Matthew Andersland, and Nicole Pyke collaborated on, “Exploring the Interpersonal Consequences of Existential Isolation in College Students.”
Ashley Fromenthal presented, “Perceived social support and life satisfaction in older adults: The role of sense of autonomy.”
Ariana Milner discussed, “Exploring the Relationship Between Prodromal Schizophrenia, Emotion Dysregulation, and Distress Intolerance.”
Mateo Chavez, Valanne MacGyvers, and David Perkins presented, “Implementing a Grit and Growth Mindset Intervention to Reduce Social Anxiety.”
Theresa Wozencraft and Jon-Patric Veal discussed, “SES and Race Differences in Predictors of Mental Health Treatment Seeking.”
Theresa Wozencraft, Tanya Castaneda, and Savannah Hidalgo conducted a session on, “Binge Eating, Body Image, and Weight Concerns in Black and White Individuals.”
Aidan Guidry, Prynceston Fant, and Hung-Chu Lin collaborated on, “Empathy, Attachment Insecurity, and Perceived Parenting: Differences between Inmates and College Students.”
Valanne MacGyvers, David Perkins, Mateo Chavez, Brittany Milton, and Kayla Rico presented, “Empathizing or Systemizing Cognitive Style as a Predictor of Music Listening Experience.”
Ashley Messina discussed, “Predicting Racebased Traumatic Stress among Black and African Americans.”
Emily DeGruise, Valanne MacGyvers, Andrea Eggenberger, Taylor Gage, and Ella Garlington presented, “Experienced corporal punishment and empathy, leadership, and achievement in college.”
Kalli Rose Segura conducted a session on, “Predictors of Manding Outcomes in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.”
Katelynn Benge discussed, “College Students’ Attitudes Towards Cohabitation.”
Ashley Messina, Brianna Sadighian, Ashley Fromenthal, Brad Parfait, Prynceston Fant, Joshua DeLacerda, and Valanne MacGyvers conducted a session on, “History of Sex Education as a Predictor of Attitudes Toward Sexual Pleasure and Sexually Coercive Behaviors.”
Kayla Rico, Valanne MacGyvers, and David Perkins presented a session on, “Coping with Covid Isolation: The roles of personality, music, and pets.”
Prynceston Fant, Anna Romero, Kinsey Hatfield, and Hung-Chu Lin collaborated on, “Mood and Somatic Symptoms in Direct Support Professionals: The Correlates of Self-efficacy and Job Satisfaction.”
University of Louisiana at Monroe
Kaitlyn Morris, Chad Lewing, Rick Stevens, and Carlie Silvis had a session on, “Motivational and Cognitive Predictors of Belief in Conspiracies.”
Madelyn Williams presented, “Psychological Reactance as a Motivation in Psychopathy: Validation among Incarcerated Males.”
At the Southeastern Psychological Association annual convention researchers also presented their work. A number of representatives from around the state presented various topics at SEPA.
Included were the following:
Louisiana State University of Alexandria
Austin Souphanthalop and Mark LaCour presented their research on, “Asian Values, Regardless of Western Acculturation, Predict Hesitancy to Use Formal Mental Health Systems.”
Ronna Matthews, Mark LaCour, and Zebulon Bell discussed, “The Effects of Political Affiliation on Conceptualizations of Drug Addiction and Drug Policy.”
Louisiana State University HSC
Sebastian Del Corral Winder, Amy Dickson, and Amy Rinner collaborated in the presentation on, “Does the Type of Allegation Impact the Time to Reunification?”
Nathan H. Brown and Sebastian Del Corral Winder presented, “Exploring Bilingualism and Biculturalism with Latinx Patients.” Sebastian Del Corral Winder was in collaboration on, “Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Advocating for Multidisciplinary Teams.”
Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Neeru Deep, Susan Thorson-Barnett collaborated on, “College Students: Keep Working on Your Grit.”
Southeastern Louisiana University
Brooklyn Sherrod, Elizabeth Dockter, Joshua Mclain, and Susan Coats presented a session on, “Pseudoscience to Psychological Treatments Among University Students.”
Cecilia LaFosse and Claire Houtsma presented, “Effects of TBI on PTSD Symptom Cluster Severity Among Veterans.”
Sara Sohr-Preston presented research on, “Assessing Change in Knowledge Among Developmental Psychology Students.”
Louisiana Tech University
Mary Margaret Livingston, Mitzi Desselles, and Donna Thomas conducted a session on, “History of the Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences at Louisiana Tech University.”
Loyola University & Southeast La
Veterans Health Care System
Grace Patrick, Mara Ferrie, Jennifer Petell, Rosie Hunter, Loyola University New Orleans, Kelly Maieritsch, Laurel Franklin, and Amanda Raines, Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System presented their research on, “Psychometric Properties of the PCL-5 in Black Veterans.“
Loyola University
Evan Zucker collaborated in the presentation on, “Comparative Psychology in Zoological Parks: One Lab’s Story.”
Victoria Blondell and Madison Silverstein discussed, “The Role of Negative Childhood Experiences in the Development of Disordered Eating Habits and Posttraumatic Stress.”
Kennedy Chatman and Madison Silverstein presented, “Revictimization, Cognitions, and Reporting Behaviors Among Survivors of Sexual Violence.”
Jessica Ward and Madison Silverstein provided their research on, “Associations Among Type of Animal Ownership, Attachment Style, and Social Adeptness.”
Zia Sampson and Kim Ernst presented their study on, “Effect of Body Neutrality and Body Positivity on Body Appreciation and Self-Compassion.”
University of Louisiana Lafayette
Nicole Pyke, Matt Andersland, Hunter Sudduth, and David Perkin collaborated on, “Mutual Aid and Psychological Distress: Moderated Mediation to Investigate the Role of Religiosity and Perceived Recovery Using a Nationally Representative Sample.”
Kiara Davillier, Ariana Milner, Paula Zeanah, Hung-Chu Lin, Manyu Li, and Amy Brown presented, “The Race and Gender Differences in Sexual Self-Esteem.”
Alondra Meraz, Caroline Ybos, Caroline Dalton, and Amy Brown collaborated on, “Immigration and Sex-Trafficking: Victim Blame Differs Based on Participant Gender but not Country of Origin.”
University of Louisiana Monroe
Burton Ashworth and Krista Parker discussed, “Content Analysis of Presidential Inaugural Addresses.”
Ruthie Menou presented her research on, “Exploring the Incremental Validity of the State of Surrender Scale Within the Psychological Flexibility Framework.”
Burton Ashworth and Krista Parker conducted a presentation on, “A Pilot Study Investigating Disgust Sensitivity Toward People of Age.”
Burton Ashworth presented, “Reducing ADHD Symptoms Using Biofeedback Protocols.”